Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Answers Due by 11:59 pm 8/30/17

1)   List 5 goals you wish to achieve and why? What are 5 obstacles to those goals?

2)   When are you most secure and at your best, both personally and professionally?


  1. I am at my best personally when I am surrounded by positive, influential people who understand me. To feel my best personally, I have to feel safe and just comfortable with who I am. Professionally, I am at my best when I am given clear directions and a defined task to do or I am in a position to lead in a subject I know extensively about. I also feel my best when I am in an environment that I know. When I first got to Kean on Sunday, I felt a bit uncomfortable, but as I get to know the campus I feel more in my element. I think it is important to sometimes feel less secure and less at your best because that shows you are branching out and challenging yourself.

  2. One of the five goals I wish to achieve throughout my years at Kean is becoming an expert in the adobe programs. I know the basics of all the programs, but I want to know all there is to know so I can express my creativity on the computer easily. One obstacle to leaning all of the programs is that there are a lot of programs and many details to each one. My second goal would be to be successful with internship opportunities. This is one of my goals because if you excel in your internship than you have a better chance of getting your name out there and having it easier getting a job. This can be difficult because I know internships can be stressful or not what you may want, but in the end you have to tough it out for your career. My third goal would be to get involved here at Kean. I want to be able to fill up my resume and have fun. This can be difficult because there are so many ways to get involved and finding the club or activity for me might be a little bit of a struggle. The fourth goal for me would be to keep my GPA up and stay focused on my classes. I set his goal because I want to have good transcripts and pass my classes. This can be difficult because classes could be really difficult, and it may be hard to focus. My final goal I wish to achieve would be to make close friendships and connections with people at Kean. I want to peruse this goal because making friendships is really important. Having close connections with people is what's going to help you get through college. This can be difficult because finding friends can be a challenge. Even when you do, they come and go.

  3. Antonio Geroldi

    1. Receive my bachelor's degree and start my career as an architect. One of the main obstacles is architecture school itself. We all hear about a bunch of students dropping after the first year, the lack of sleep, and sometimes ambition gets lost all together.

    2. Get a job and being able to fund my other artistic interests. An obstacle we all know is finding a job, but I think Kean provides the resources for internships to where it will not be difficult. Another is time. Even though I love architecture and want it to be my main endeavor for my life, I still have other interests in art and I may not have the time to do all I want.

    3. Travel during or adjacent to my career. This may be my most unrealistic goal due to the job market already being weak, but I’d at least love to get out of the country a few times. Travel also costs money, and I also see myself going to graduate school, so this one may take a while.

    4. I want to be satisfied. What I assume will satisfy me is to be involved with projects I enjoy for a firm I’m glad to work for. When it comes to that, it is seemingly impossible, but hopefully a variation of the goal will help. I know I can not be the one to choose projects until I start my own practice, but hopefully I work for a firm I can stand behind and am proud of.

    5. I want a family. This is the goal that will more than likely replace the travel goal, but down the line I know I would want children. It will also bring another level of happiness that you can not obtain in any other sense.

  4. My 5 goals I wish to achieve is to make the dean’s list, having the opportunity to get an summer internship that has to do with interior design, lose more weight, join multiple clubs and organizations, and to be happy as ever. Making the dean’s list is proof that I have worked and studied hard all semester. I’ll be proud of myself and would feel ten times smarter. Being able to get an internship that deals with my major is a blessing, especially since I am getting exposed to the real world at such an young age. Losing weight has been my goal for the whole year of 2017. I lost around 30 pounds back in December from running track. Unfortunately i gained most of it right back this summer. Throughout my college experience I want to get involved with as many as Kean's clubs, organizations and societies. I love being apart of new adventures, challenges, and surroundings. Last being happy is my biggest goal. Being happy makes me feel good on the inside and out. I have nothing but positive energy and a bright smile on my face. I don’t have any obstacles. I am the type of person to work till I get what I desire, and I won’t stop until I get it.

  5. Five goals:
    • My goal is to become an architect, because it is something that really interests me and I am good at. An obstacle to this is not thinking this is right for me or not being able to handle the college lifestyle.
    • I wish to make new and more friends, because this will make the college and business life simpler. An obstacle is being too focused on work or being anti-social.
    • Another goal is to travel a lot and to places I haven’t seen before, because I love experiencing new things and like to see new things. The obstacle can be money or being too tied up in work.
    • I wish to help my parents when they get older, because they have done too much for me. An obstacle to this is losing connection and putting things over family.
    • I would love to start a family and get married, because family is very important to me and all this can keep me happy and enjoy life. An obstacle to this is not having the money or not getting married.

  6. My 5 goals are:
    1. Becoming an interior designer because that is my dream job and it would feel like more a hobby than a job to me. An obstacle might be tough classes, the amount of time I need to commit, and the amount of competition in the field.
    2. Another goal of mine is to become more open and extroverted because I've always been pretty shy. An obstacle for this is that it's hard for me to open up and talk to new people right away.
    3. My third goal is to make a lot of friends and memories in college because I want these years to be very memorable, and not just filled with class and studying. An obstacle might be having too much school work to do or not finding a lot of people that I can get along with.
    4. I want to move into the city one day because there is so much opportunity and amazing things to experience there. An obstacle might be not having enough money or not getting an job in the city.
    5. My last goal is to be financially stable within a few years of graduating so I can get married and comfortably start a family. An obstacle for this may be not obtaining a well-paying job or finding someone to marry and start a family with.

  7. When I'm in a familiar place, a comfortable place, and surrounded by people whom I really enjoy is the best. I like the feeling of security and when I'm in this exact situation is when I would say I'm personally my best. I find myself to be more outgoing in these situations. People who've known me for years would never think I can get shy around some new people. I like being able to talk without being told I talk too much, and I love to listen. Professionally, I think my best is working alone and getting my job done. I liked when in High School not having my friends in class because then I would never get distracted. If I could choose the perfect place to do so would probably be a library or a classroom. When I'm in a school type of environment, I really just want to finish all the work I have on my plate right then and there.

  8. 1)   List 5 goals you wish to achieve and why? What are 5 obstacles to those goals?

    Goals: 1. Be Successful - So it's easier to enjoy life.
    2. Be Healthy - To participate in adventurous activities.
    3. Be Positively Energetic - To help me & those around me be more productive.
    4. Always Learn - To become better every day.
    5. Bless Others - To help make the world a better place.

    Obstacles: 1. Some will try to bring me down - Overcome it/them.
    2. Bad food temptations & exercise dedication - Control myself & one day at a time.
    3. Not everyone will understand my energy - Be patient.
    4. Getting comfortable with being outside my comfort zone - Again, one at a time.
    5. Some won't appreciate or will misinterpret my intentions - Don't let it bring me down.

    2)   When are you most secure and at your best, both personally and professionally?

    - I am both personally and professionally most secure and at my best when I know what I'm involved in or surrounding myself with, is beneficial to my &/or other peoples future, and when the other people involved have good intentions as well. Regardless of the task or if I'm doing something alone or with however many other people, I will be at my best if I know the purpose is for a better future. I can still do good if those around me don't have a sincere or positive interest in mind but I simply perform better knowing I have a strong team ready to back me up if I need.

  9. I think I am most secure and at my best at work or if I am dealing with any kind of business. My job requires me to communicate with people and the customers expect my knowledge about the products or services we provide. I am 100% confident at what I do at work both personally and professionally when waiting on customers. I also feel the best of me come out if I am in charge of a group project. I positively talk to other group members to tell them what to do to get the project done as professional and quickly as possible.

  10. I would definitely say that I am at my most secure and at my best personally when I am in a creative environment and I when I surround myself with supportive, understanding people.
    I love to spend time at home with my family and friends. This provides a great sense of security for me. Knowing that I will not be living at home for a while, I anticipate finding a new creative environment where I can improve my artistic skills. I want to surround myself with a new group of friends at Kean to share creative ideas and inspiration. Looking forward, where I see myself in a professional setting, I would definitely want the same type of environment and to work with the same type of people. In order to thrive as a professional in any field of work, it is good to have a cohesive group working together to achieve a common goal. It is so special for me to know that I am contributing to something greater than myself. If I am able to use my talents for a greater purpose, then I am at my best, both confident and secure in my life. This is so important to me.

  11. I feel like I am the most secure and at my best when I am alone in my bedroom. I am able to concentrate on anything that I need to and I'll have my phone with me in case I need to look something up or communicate with someone. My family is usually always downstairs so it is never going to be a hassle if I need one of them for anything. I usually work best when I am alone because I am able to concentrate in silence (if I'm not playing some music) and there are usually less distractions around me. If I need to take a break, I can take a break whenever I want knowing that I can get right back to work on my command. Sometimes I need a little time alone to myself so just sitting in my room not doing anything but listening to music is like pushing a giant reset button for me that helps me relax.

  12. I am at my best both professionally and personally when in a creative environment with a nice ambiance. Many time when I want to work on a project I find that while in a setting that encourages creativity (low music in the background, well designed room, and an open setting much like a studio’s) I will perform better than in a setting such as my room or a typical classroom or lecture setting. In addition to academic performance, I find myself to be a lot more at ease in this environment and more apt to talk and have a positive attitude throughout an event.

  13. Adam Goldenberg

    1. I want to be a successful architect with a high paying job. It is very important to me to create a life with a high paying job, so that I am able to support myself and my family. Without a high paying job, it is more difficult to get exactly what you want in the future. The obstacle to this is being able to promote myself extensively so that I do get the job.

    2. I want to eventually complete my first album. I have been producing electronic dance music for two years and I want to be able to share with the world the music that I created. The obstacle for this goal is making the best music possible so that a group of people will enjoy it.

    3. My third goal is to graduate college. It is crucial to me that I get the best college academic experience possible so that I am able to find the best job possible. The obstacle is all of the exams and projects.

    4. I want to surround myself with a larger group of friends. Surrounding yourself with friends is very important in order to be happy. I don't have any obstacles with this goal.

    5. For my last goal, I want to continue to have a successful side DJ business. It's always important to keep a strong income. The obstacle is being able to promote my business.

  14. 1. One of my biggest goals in life is to become a successful graphic designer in New York City. It has always been a dream of mine because im so passionate with what I do. There will be several obstacles I know I will have to face along the way such as potential mess-ups, but all I can do is get right back up and keep striving for success.

    2. To make new friendships with students here at Kean, and to make connections with other people. I feel like collaborating with people exposes you to things you havent been familiar with. Its a struggle for me because I would consider myself an introvert, but im willing to come out of my shell and meet new people.

    3. Be able to fund myself without relying on my parents. I cherish my family a lot because they have worked so hard to provide for my brother and I. I want to be able to give back to them, to thank them for all they have done for us. It might take several years, but im willing to do whatever I can to land my dream job.

    4. To become successful with my company (and brother's) Pulsate Athletic Wear. About 4 months ago, my brother and I opened up our own athletic wear/clothing business to inspire those around us to live for their passion, ours being powerlifting and design. We decided to combine those together to create what we believe may have an impact in the community. In a short amount of time, I've learned some ups and downs of running a business, its never linear. But in the end, you must keep going and not get discouraged.

    5. And overall just to be happy/content. I feel like sometimes we get too caught up trying to achieve certain goals, when sometimes its okay to take a break. I want to learn how to balance my study, while enjoying life at the same time. Im constantly on the go so sometimes I forget to take a break, its something I definitely need to improve upon.

  15. I am at my best and most secure personally when I am with people I know or care for. I also feel my best when I am around positivity. However things that can alter my mood are bad weather, lack of sleep, or personal events. Professionally, I am at my best and fell most secure whenever I know what it is I am doing. I like to be aware of what I am doing before doing it, this way the risk of me making a mistake is much smaller. Also having everything organized and being aware of my surroundings helps me feel secure professionally.

  16. 5 goals I wish to achieve is good grades, being balanced, making friends, being independent and saving my money. Most of the time I'm on top of things and manage hw so getting my school work done shouldn't be a problem. Balanced as a whole I am but is really hard for me to stay organized so this year I brought a planner. The goal of makining friends is never really hard for me but getting settled into a new school at the same time is the challenging part but I'm trying to be more outgoing and talk to opeople I normally wouldn't. The last goal of saving money is going to the hardest being as though I'm not going to work as much I can't spend as much that's gonna be a killer. To conquer that goal tho I'm going to give my mom my card on the weekends sadly.

  17. Josh Cochran-Carney

    I would say I am most secure and at my best when I'm around both family and friends. No matter what task I am completing, having the comfort of those I love around me help me feel my best. In a more personal situation, I feel I perform better in sports if I have family or friends cheering me on in the crowd. Having the support of others pushes me to do perform at my best. On a more professional level, I would say the motivation from teachers or whoever would be watching over me would make me to execute the task as best as I can. It is also important for me that I am pushed out of my comfort zone because it pushes me to do perform better than what I might do on a more average standpoint. Without struggle, you are gaining no progress.

  18. When are you most secure and at your best, both personally and professionally?

    I feel like personally I am more secure and at my best when I play volleyball. Once I start getting a rhythm while playing, I am just so happy and I feel more confident with myself as well as around my teammates and the crowd. I don't feel any tension, I just feel competition which I love and positive vibes. But professionally, I am more secure and at my best when I draw. When my pencil touches my sketchbook, I can't stop. Drawing makes me want to learn more about it and other skills towards it. I feel like I am in a whole other world and I feel like I am getting things done. It makes me want to finish it all so precisely and even if I don't finish my drawing I'll end up doing research or really anything productive. Drawing gets me so focused and determined to do so much. It really is a great feeling to be honest.
