Monday, August 28, 2017


Answers Due by 11:59 pm 8/28/17

1)   What does #yolo mean to you?

2)   Besides education, what do you hope to gain from college?


  1. I hope to have a fantastic year with my students!

  2. Aside from my education I want to strive for independence, personal growth, and lifelong memories and friendships. As a person who was fairly sheltered to the world by my parents, I feel as though this is the time to take advantage of my freedom and blossom into my own person. I can develop my beliefs, broaden my horizons, and try things I perhaps was too scared to try while in the shelter of my own home. By taking these opportunities as they are thrown at me, I will have the ability to develop my life into something filled with not only success but also happiness.

  3. . In college, I hope to gain a positive experience filled with friends, knowledge, and growth. When I graduate college, I would like to look back on the time I spent at Kean University fondly. Besides that, I would like to graduate with a portfolio full of creative designs and a professional layout. In addition, I want to gain community service experience and participate actively in Kean's on campus events. I just want to graduate feeling like I accomplished everything I could because college is over in a short amount of time. Overall, I want to gain a well rounded college experience that ultimately leaves me prepared for the workforce.

  4. The phrase/hashtag/motto is to live life to the fullest. I can't say that you will never live your life without any regrets but in the moment say yolo and bets are you'll have the time of your life. Yolo is equivalent to having the courage to do something that normally you wouldn't. Having the constant reminder that today could be your last so...why not? Kinda gives you that second-guess thought for about two seconds before you do something. It feels great though in the moment, your like woooowhooo this is what it feels like to live on the edge. It could either be the reason you chose to wear your spongebob footsie pajamas to school or eating your chip that fell on the floor because it was ur last chip. I commend whom ever tweeted or wrote out the first #yolo because while the hype of it died down, it sticks as a reminder to do everything you want NOW cuz this is the time to do it your living!

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  6. Elly Petitdemange

    I truly believe that college is a time to take responsibility for yourself and learn so many different things about the world around you. I not only want to meet new people, but also want understand others ideas, opinions and beliefs. I applied to college because I wanted to put myself in an environment where I could be inspired by the creative minds around me, as well as inspire others with my own creativity. At the end of the day, it's not only about getting that college degree. It's also important to experience college and make memories that will last a lifetime. Earning a degree will be so much more meaningful to me knowing that I improved, not only as a student, but as a person during my time at Kean.

  7. To me the hashtag yolo means to live everyday to its fullest. Although to many others it might represent to go out to parties and misbehave, to me it mean to go out and do something productive or something you can look back on and actually feel proud of. You only get one life to live so you might as well make it count. The days you remember most are those in which you did something fun and exciting, not the ones where you stayed home all day. The way I look at it is in a couple of years from now I'd like to be able to tell my experiences in life to my grand kids with true wisdom. I don't want to look back in life and think of what I could've done. I want to be proud of what I did do. And although I might make mistakes down the road, I'll be able to learn and grow as an individual from them.

  8. Other than education, I hope to gain social skills to be able to perform better in the business world. I want and hope to be more social and make new friends while at college. I can sometimes be quiet, so in this environment I can gain better social skills that college has provided me. Working in a studio weekly and living close to everyone in dorms can give help me accomplish that. Rooming here will give the ability to gain experience in independence for what adult life will be like.

  9. Hailey Rice
    Besides receiving a wonderful education, I'm hopeful to meet lots of new friends this year. College is the perfect place to meet new people who may have similar interests, especially people who have the same major or if we end up in the same school activity/club together. Also, I'm very excited to be exposed to more design techniques that I hope to pick up and hope to do extremely well with all of my classes this year. Overall I'm happy to start my freshman year and begin my career and I hope to be successful in this field.

  10. Adam Goldenberg

    Y.O.L.O is a present day term to express how one should live their life to the fullest. Not everyone gets a second chance at their life, so accomplish everything you can before you pass away. In my opinion, Y.O.L.O (You only live once), can mean something great as well as being something bad. In the context of Y.O.L.O meaning something great, it could mean that you want to get the best job possible to fit your needs by going through challenging obstacles to get to that point. The bad version of Y.O.L.O could infer that you want to do be a dare devil and do things such as sky-diving or going cliff jumping.

  11. Besides getting a good education in my field of study, I hope to gain new working experiences from internships at architecture firms. Although I’m not dorming at Kean, I also hope to get as much of a college experience as I can. I am really shy and nervous when meeting new people so I hope after a while I will get comfortable and start making new friends on campus. Most importantly, I hope to find out exactly what I want to do after graduation. I want to have a plan that will one day put me at the top of my field. I want to be successful.

  12. Antonio Geroldi

    #yolo, even though it sounds corny, is actually a really good mantra to live by. It’s why I made the decision to leave my last university and economics major to come to a school where I could pursue my artistic passion. Everyone talks about working on Wall Street or in a hedge fund because of the money, but I realized it was not worth my happiness. So personally, #yolo has guided me to following my dreams and represents living life for yourself and nobody else.

  13. Aside from solely furthering my educational career, I aspire to grow as an individual, as well as a designer. My objective as a designer has always been to communicate a message through my work. To have a positive and potentially life-changing impact on the people around me, around us. When I have time to sit down and really reflect on my day, I frequently ask how I’ll be able to achieve my personal goals, and become successful. I understand that there will be trial and error, but I only hope to learn and grow from them. Continuing my journey here at the Michael Graves college, I hope not only to create new friendships, but also to create a clear path as to how I can achieve success, impact people’s lives, and become a well-known designer around the globe.

  14. Besides education, I hope to learn how to become a well rounded individual. I am usually a follower of others, but in college I hope to take more leadership roles and possibly even start my own club. Education is very important, but without having the proper communication with others around you, it is difficult to better yourself. Sometimes I will have ideas or suggestions in my head that would possibly make a situation better, but I end up keeping to myself and letting others take credit. For myself and my future career after college, it is my goal to learn the proper communication and leadership skills in order to be successful.

  15. 1. My interpretation of the motto "you only live once" is that you should make the best out of the life & opportunities you're given. While some prioritize joy & others work, personally I think it's best to find a balance between the two, or better yet, one within the other.

    2. I hope to gain connections & perspectives from passionate individuals so we can collectively help the world become a better place.

  16. What yolo means to me is, to live your life to the fullest no matter what the expectations will be. You only get one life, so live it up while you can. You don’t have to live wild, but live as if it was your last day on Earth. Do something, rather than regretting it because you didn’t do it. Live like you never lived before. Accomplish the unthinkable, and go the whole one hundred yards.

  17. To me, #YOLO means to live like there is not going to be a tomorrow. It means to live like every day is going to be your last. Sounds boring and unoriginal but it is true. When I'm with my friends and we have the chance to do something great or funny, we always say to ourselves that we should do it because we know it will make for one hell of a story someday. We always try to make the most out of every possible situation, good or bad. If we are deciding on whether or not to do something, we always go for it because we never know when we may be able to get the chance to do it again.

  18. I personally think yolo is best defined as not losing the opportunity but taking the chance. By that I mean, our lives are constantly changing and new things are coming our way. We aren't all up for the challenge because some people are scared or nervous of the outcome. When you at least attempt to do something new, you gain experience. If you happen to not even try, someone is now ahead of the game. And that will make you want to regret it. I know that I have missed out on so many things because I honestly wasn't confident in myself. I have learned throughout my life that it doesn't hurt to try anything new. It is always scary at first but eventually it becomes useful to me. Yolo is definitely a great motto to live by only if it benefits you and your future.
