Monday, August 28, 2017


Post 5 responses out of 10 questions (75 - 100 words each response). Go to the assigned MGC T2K blog for your class each day of class including New Student Orientation Day (Monday – Friday). There will be two questions (or “prompts”) posted daily. On or before 11:59pm each night, pick one of the two questions to answer and submit your response by posting it in the comments section after the questions. Each response should be 75 – 100 words. Your language and the content of your response should be professionally appropriate for a blog that is viewed by your MGC peers and MGC faculty/staff. Each of your five blog responses must be posted no later than 11:59pm on each day in order to complete these assignments. You must sign in to Blogger with your e-mail so that your posts are attributed to you.

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