Friday, September 1, 2017

Final Blog Post - Question Options

Answers Due by 11:59 pm, Friday, 9/1/17

1) What aspects of Friday's New Student Orientation did you enjoy and why? List three specific things.

2) List three new things that you learned about Michael Graves. 


  1. At Friday's new student orientation, I began to feel very excited about my first year at Kean. It was very interesting learning about what this next year has to offer, and that we as kean students have the option to go to China. I have always wanted to travel out of the country and it is exciting to know I have the chance to in college. Another aspect I enjoyed at the new student orientation was hearing Mr. Sprinkles presentation. He reminded me that I have close friends and family cheering me on in college. He reminded me to remember why I'm in college and why I'm choosing the path I am to better myself in life down the road. One of the last aspects I enjoyed of the new student orientation was the theater performance that other kean students performed in. The performance reminded me that there are places to go if I have problems during college and that there is professional help on campus for anything I might run in to. Most of all, the performance reminded me that I have a choice how to live my college experience and to make the right choices.

  2. I enjoyed Friday's New Student Orientation, especially Jonathan Sprinkles' presentation. I appreciated that he spoke from his heart and not from a prepared presentation. Not a lot of presenters do that, so it really showed that he cared about what he was saying. I felt like he was invested in us as people and not just as an audience or potential followers on his Twitter or Facebook. I also learned the video on Michael Graves because it is important that we familiarize ourselves with his work and legacy because his name is on our building, so we should make him proud posthumously. I also appreciated the short skit on resources on campus. Although we learned a lot of this information already, I feel like the information on campus assault, alcohol, and drugs are important to remind ourselves that we all good and bad options. Overall, I liked Friday's New Student Orientation, I just wished it began later than 8 am.

  3. Adam Goldenberg
    1. During the new student orientation, I enjoyed the presentation of the alumni. It was truly amazing to see the accomplishments made by former Kean University students. From making the news because of a great commencement speech, to making super bowl commercials, it is all remarkable.
    2. I also enjoyed the food during lunch. The lunch that was provided for us was really good! The lunch break allowed us to enjoy time with our friends while we took a break from our packed day.
    3. Lastly, we watched a short video about Michael Graves and his accomplishments. I became truly inspired for the upcoming academic year. I can't wait to experience all of the great things I will create this year!

  4. Three things about new student orientation that I liked:
    1. I enjoyed the “Be the One” because it was an inspirational speech that taught me that if you stay positive you can accomplish tasks. Also, that are other people hoping for me to succeed than just me.
    2. The lunch break in the middle of the day was great. It was a very relaxing to have that in between things. The un was great and glad they gave us different food today.
    3. Community standards was great show and gave great statistics in the Kean community of certain problems. I believe this really g to kids, because it is relevant due to people getting these diseases or assaulted on campus. I believe it was great and really go to the students.

  5. Three things I enjoyed at the new student orientation were
    1.The free shirts and towel giveaways.
    2.Watching the play in Wilkins theatre and
    3.The food that was provided.

    Three new things I learned about Michael Grave is
    1.He created the Portland, Humana and the Walt Disney building
    2.Michael's art work was very successful and went worldwide
    3.Last Michael wasn't just into architect, he also was involved with interior, graphic and industrial design.

  6. New Student Orientation at Kean University was a little overwhelming, given the number of students in attendance, but it was definitely a fantastic experience. I learned so much about the opportunities here on campus. I especially enjoyed the motivational speaker, Johnathan Sprinkles, who gave us a fantastic outlook on the college experience and some insight on how to deal with the things we may experience in the future. It was great to hear his side of the story on our college journey. I also really loved the performance at Wilkins Theatre that demonstrated senarios in which students felt pressured by themselves to make certain decisions. Finally, the most enjoyable part of the day was getting to be with every Kean student in the class of 2021, and having the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. It was truly a great way to start my college experience at Kean University.

  7. The first thing I enjoyed about the NSO was when the president had said to wait and really get to know everyone before you decide to go to new york city or anywhere really. I find that statement as a great motto in life because you can't really trust everyone and really getting to know someone would make life way easier. I also really loved how Jonathan Sprinkles told us all that people only do some of the work but not all of it. I find this so accurate because we have life so easy now and no one really puts in 99% of work because of so many distractions and procrastination. But if we don't really put all that work and we just work around it, you only cheat yourself. Lastly, I enjoyed the amount of wonderful and diverse people in the class of 2021. I loved making new friends. Oh and not to mention the sandwiches were bomb 10/10.

  8. The aspects of New Student Orientation that I enjoyed the most (as of 9/1) were:
    1. The motivational speech given by Jonathan Sprinkles (aka Mr.Sprinkles): His words of encouragement to us freshmen entering Kean really opened my eyes to what to expect in college, and in my college experience. It reassured me that Kean was the right choice for me, and will open many opportunities in the future. Mr.Sprinkles relating the tragedy in Houston to the life lessons we learn as individuals really hit it home for me.
    2. Finding old friends during lunch: I was so surprised as to how many people I knew were attending Kean! Seeing some new and old faces really made me feel at home. I'm glad to have some people I am already familiarized with (from my high school), and meet new friends, just like I have during T2K.
    3.The overall experience at orientation was very uplifting. I definitely enjoyed today, it was a great experience. The statistics regarding assaults and diseases was very informative, and the importance of keep the students, campus, and community safe made me feel secure.

  9. At Friday's New Student Orientation I enjoyed many things. In the morning I enjoyed seeing a few familiar faces from High School. I saw a lot of my old friends who I didn't even know were continuing their education with me. More importantly though, I really enjoyed everything about the day. To the Welcoming address to having to take a quiz, I enjoyed the day because I was able to make new friends from the Michael Graves college. I'm thankful for what T2K has given to me and I'm thankful that I actually had a fun time at orientation and it wasn't as terrible as everyone said it would be. After today I can proudly say I am a cougar. I know I will do well this school semester because after this last week that's all I've taught to do. Just be a student and be the best student you can possibly be, which means get involved, show up on time, do your homework, do your studying, and create relationships that can help you in your future, and that can be cherished in your future. I want to thank you all that were in T2K especially Professor Johnston and "Mr. Bailey." Thanks to all for really showing me why I chose Kean University. Go Cougars!

  10. Three things I enjoyed about orientation:
    1. I had a lot of fun at today's orientation. One of the most memorable parts wast the performance in Wilkins Theater that the students put on. They did a good job of conveying a lot of important information but in an entertaining way to connect with college students. The topics were pretty serious but it was a good way to be presented with that type of information. It even made me laugh a few times

    2. Another aspect I enjoyed was the lunch. The food they provided was actually pretty good. I liked that they let us sit wherever and with whoever we wanted, it let us get to know some more people. The free giveaways they had for us was also a fun bonus. I liked just sitting around with other people in similar programs to me and talking about anything.

    3. The last part of orientation that I liked was visiting the Green Lane Academic Building. Watching the video about Michael Graves was really cool because we got to learn more about the name on our college and all the work he has done. It was also fun to hang out in the building that most of our classes are going to be over the next four years. Getting a feel for the building that most of our hours over the course of the semester will be spent was a good experience. It made me very excited to start class this week.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Antonio Geroldi

    When I was applying to Kean, the name “Michael Graves College” peaked my curiosity and I looked into who he was. I learned he was an architect obviously and that is basically where my research stopped. What I learned today was that he was involved in much more than just architecture, and seeing it was possible for him to get into the interior and product design industry made me even more optimistic for my future. I was also never aware that he was so attached to Kean that he allowed them his namesake. Finally, I was unaware of his involvement in the Dolphin and Swan hotel at Disney in Orlando. Knowing that now is pretty cool because I have seen a piece of his, unknowingly at the time.

  13. Since joining this transition to Kean class I have learned a lot of things that will help me with my overall experience at Kean. I learned that, unlike high school, the students at Kean are accepting of everyone. My RA told me that it seems like little clicks will start to form and they'll only talk to each other. Thats not true though. Everyone will talk to everyone. I learned that Kean is extremely dedicated in helping its students succeed. The many programs and services offered here at Kean just show that Kean cares about its students and their future. Finally, I learned that I am an adult and that this is the real world. The lectures that talked about drinking and having sex never told is to not do them. They just tell us to be careful because they know that we are adults and want to explore.

  14. Today at new student orientation, I really enjoyed seeing and meeting a lot of new people. The energy of everyone around me got me excited to officially start classes this upcoming week. I also realized after re watching the videos of past students successful work like the super bowl commercials, it got me motivated to one day have the president of the university share my success story of a future official project. Lastly, I also enjoyed going to green lane and getting a feel of what a design classroom feels like.

  15. The 2 aspects of today's orientation that I enjoyed the most was opportunity for socializing & the pep talk by Jonathan sprinkles. I enjoyed the opportunity for socializing during lunch, and in between sessions because starting a new school is hard, but starting it alone is even harder. I'm glad that I was able to talk and meet to more people during lunch. Additionally I enjoyed the pep talk because it put things better into perspective. I often doubt myself because of other people's approval and he mad me feel like I wasn't the only one. Besides the fact of all the walking it was a overall great experience and I even got a free shirt so it was amazing.
