Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Answers Due by 11:59 pm 8/29/17

1)   What or who influenced you toward the direction of your major and why? 

2)   Who is your hero or heroine in life and why?


  1. I chose to pursue the career of graphic design to leave a creative foot print. The world around us is paved with creative beauty. Every menu, layout, app, advertisement, or even font you see is developed in the minds of a creative team. Considering the vast amount of skills learned as a designer, the likelihood of becoming employed in the field is plausible. Which simply goes to show that contrary to the beliefs of the people that surround me, I will not be a “starving artist.” I will be perusing my passions and thriving while doing so.

  2. Last summer my boyfriend and his mother inherited some money they wanted to put towards work on the house. My boyfriend and I began to start re-designing rooms and it just clicked right then and there, "Why did I never think of Interior Design?" As a child my room was my pride and joy because I would always work extremely hard to perfect it. I wanted the exact image in my head to be projected right in front of me. I enjoy picking items out and putting them all together to create a comfortable but stylish room. Out of all the careers I've thought about, this one is definitely the one I'm meant to dive deep into and come out as successful as I can let myself be.

  3. Design is everywhere. Everything around us has shapes, lines, colors, patterns (and so on) of which it is composed. It is the designers, whether graphic, interior, industrial or architectural that bring these things into reality. They are the minds behind so many visual and structural things in the world, and I could not help being drawn to contribute to this. I chose to pursue a degree in interior design because I want to use my creativity to plan and develop effective use of interior spaces. I am also interested in creating a variety of organizational systems to make storage spaces easier to access and work in. As an interior designer, I hope to meet all kinds of different people and work with them to achieve the vision that they have for their space. I am confident that I will gain the knowledge and understanding of interior design to do so.

  4. My heroine is in all honesty my mom. She is a single mother and has raised both my brother and I alone without the help of anyone else. Growing up, she was able to provide us with everything we needed and more. She is a patient and kind lady with much wisdom. My mother is definitely someone I look up to as a role model and strive to be like when I am older.

  5. Adam Goldenberg

    For as long as I can remember, my dad has been my hero. He has always been by my side no matter what kind of obstacle I'm going through. It was my dad who inspired me to shoot for the stars and create my own DJ business with my friends. If I’m having a rough day, my dad would be the one to pick me back up and put me back on the right track towards success. When I’m in need of advice for a certain topic, he is always trying to give me the best possible answer even if he can’t fully help out. The definition of a hero is one who helps one another at anytime no matter what. The definition of a hero fully explains my father.

  6. When I was in 8th grade, I had to do a project on careers. I stumbled across the term interior designer for the first time. Since that project, I started watching HGTV and researching what exactly interior design was. I took an interior design course at my high school in ninth grade and that really influenced me to pursue interior design. Since then I have been working on my artwork and my art teachers have really pushed me to be quicker, more creative, and more open to different ideas. Since my art classes, I have found that interior design really combines my love of art and my desire for a creatively fulfilling career.

  7. My hero is my mentor Ms.Allen who is a teacher from my old high school. Ms.Allen is a second mom to me. She’s great,inspiring,encouraging and supportive. I look up to her as my role model. Her involvement in the community is such a beautiful thing.Throughout my senior year , she was there for me when I was going through a rough time in my life. I thank god that I have meet an beautiful, and amazing women like her. She is truly one of a kind, who doesn’t come around as often.

  8. I chose to major in architecture because I want to make a lasting mark somewhere. I always dreamed of designing a skyscraper towering over the NYC skyline. My dad used to work in construction in NYC. He worked for Harry Macklowe and was the construction project manager for the Metropolitan Tower and various smaller projects in Manhattan. Although my dad was a civil engineering major, I've always wanted to follow in his footsteps and this seems like a great way to start. Harry Macklowe told my dad that no matter what happens in life he can always say that he built Met Tower and I'm hoping that one day my dad will say the same thing to me.

  9. When people ask you in high school what you want to be when you grow up, you have to mean it. You have to think of a serious career that could support you in the future but make you happy at the same time. For a while I had no idea what I wanted to do. I knew I liked to sketch and doodle, but wasn't an artist. I also tossed around the idea of doing something with computers, but I had no focus or major in mind. There's a school they offer in my area called Hunterdon County Polytech, and it gives students the opportunity to take classes they wouldn't be able to take in they're regular high schools. Graphic design was one of the classes that I could've taken my junior and senior year. Senior year I decided to try it out because why no right? Well thank god I did because it's what I really love to do. I might not be the best artist out there, but playing around with the adobe programs is something I have a lot of fun doing. I can't wait to make a career out of my favorite hobby.

  10. Erin O'Donnell
    My grandparents influenced my choice of major. My Grandpa was a custom builder so I used to see his projects and designs around his house all the time and I always thought they were so interesting. My grandma used to sew and knit things a lot so seeing all the different types of patterns and materials intrigued me as well. Together, their careers and hobbies led me to be interested in the profession of interior design. I'm thankful for the opportunities and experiences I gained from my grandparents because they helped shape me into the person I am today.

  11. The person who directed me towards my major for architecture was my dad. My dad is an architect and being exposed to that early helped make my decision for the future. I would take visits to his office and most his work I understood and I always knew that this was something that I will be great at. I have been working with him in the past summers and though its mostly small projects like houses, I have experienced what it is like and know that this path is for me.

  12. My CAD teacher is one of the biggest influences that pushed me to pursue my major for industrial design. When I had first met him in my early years of High School, I could not comprehend how to complete the simplest 2D drawing in the software we were working in at the time. It was very frustrating to me that I could not complete what seemed like the simplest assignment. My CAD teacher was the one that taught me how important perseverance was. Not only in the design perspective, but also in life. I have lost count of the amount of times I would want to give up, but in the end I remembered how important it was to persevere and see the light at the end of the tunnel. My CAD teacher has been of the biggest supporters on my journey to become an industrial designer, as well as an individual I can share my excitement for the future of design. Because of my high school CAD teacher, I have been able to strive for greatness and achieve better opportunities over other students through my hard work and dedication to design. I have not and will not forget how important it is to persevere through college and also through life itself.

  13. I believe that I inspired myself to go into architectural design. From a young age, I loved building models and drawing houses. Whenever my parents got a package in the mail, I would take the boxes that the package was packed in and build houses out of them. Even though the cardboard houses I built was nothing more than four walls taped together, I enjoyed the process of putting it all together. When I reached my freshman year of high school I was accidentally placed in an architecture class. But that first two marking periods of high school, I found my passion for architecture. I knew from that point what I wanted to do with my life.

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  15. Ever since I was young, all I could remember doing is drawing, design was my escape to a new world. In middle school, I decided why not try out for the Union County Vocational-Technical High School, School of Design. I knew I wanted to pursue something within the design field, but it was so hard to narrow it down. Being accepted to the School of Design changed my life. My parents and design teacher were so supportive of me and really influenced my decision to pursue Graphic Design, regardless of what other people might think or say. I soon became extremely passionate with design. It gives me a chance to go outside the boundaries for a bit, and create pieces I never thought I would be able to pursue. It has taught me that its okay not to be perfect, because sometimes the imperfections are what make me, the work itself, unique and human.

  16. My hero in my life is my dad honestly. Throughout my childhood he was around, but as I got older he wasn't as much. Now as terrible as that sounds it's not because he was out of the picture but because he was constantly working. My dad is a Dj his job has never been and never will be like a job to him because that is his passion. From the constant plane flights to the sleepless nights he grinded not only to give me everything I need, but to live his life happy. My dad can make something out of nothing, drive me crazy, and tell me every now an then what to wear but other than that he lets me make my own decisions none the less. He has always told me to go for what I believe, and follow my dreams with a bigger picture in mind because the world is mine. Anybody else could tell me that advice and it won't impact as much as from him because he is living his dreams right now. He gets to travel around the world, has written 2 books, has a street named after him and I get to call him my father the guy that inspires me to overlook the practical job choices for just the money but follow my career in art because it is my passion.

  17. 1. Before ever beginning to study architecture, I didn't really have an influence directing me strictly toward Architecture. When I took a semester off after high school to think about life, I decided to come back and see what options I have at a nearby community college. I than looked through the list, stumbled on across architecture and couldn't stop thinking about the concept of being a designer, on top of that, an Architectural Designer. I immediately registered for some general education courses along with some Architectural and have been growing my passion for it ever since.

    2. My biggest would probably have to be my mother. She's always been there for me from teaching me to read and write in portuguese, to co-signing when my credit was still too new to sign for anything. Along with my mother I'm also extremely thankful for my family and my teachers. My family for teaching me about loyalty through thick & thin, and my professors for showing me that no matter how much or how little time you spend in someones lives, what sticks is the quality of your intentions & lessons.

  18. Antonio Geroldi

    I can not really pin-point who turned my mind on to architecture specifically, but who led me to leave the pursuit of money and security was Pharrell Williams. Ever since I was a teenager I was listening to his music and loved him and his band. Eventually I went to a modern art museum early on in my first year of college, I and saw a picture of him standing next to a chair he designed. When I saw that, some gear in my brain turned on and I became more ambitious from then on. Seeing somebody as creative as him ALSO in another field designing jewelry, furniture, clothing, sculptures, sunglasses, and many other things was mind blowing. I never thought anybody could do more than one thing for some reason. That’s when I realized I do not need to forever box myself in a cubicle or office, and that there is a chance for those who can not choose one thing to run with for the rest of their lives.

  19. Angela Altamirano
    I took a class called Graphic Design back in my junior year of high school. I heard it was an easy class so I decided hey why not try this class. When I finally started to get familiar with this class, I realized that I actually love designing new logos and playing around with photoshop. I definitely knew I wanted to pursue Graphic Design as my major. I could see myself designing a lot in the future.
    I also was inspired by my father because he is an engineer himself and I actually love building and creating new things. Even when I was little my father would fix technical pieces from computers or a laptop and even a car. I would always be there to watch and learn. I was just so intrigued by all that. Engineering involves tons of math. I love math with a passion so I thought to myself why not double major. Life is all about learning and continuously learning and I never want to stop. Even if it takes me longer in college, I still want to do what I love. I want be more advanced and experienced in my majors. So I decided that I will double major in Graphic Design and Electrical Engineering.
