Friday, September 1, 2017

Final Blog Post - Question Options

Answers Due by 11:59 pm, Friday, 9/1/17

1) What aspects of Friday's New Student Orientation did you enjoy and why? List three specific things.

2) List three new things that you learned about Michael Graves. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Answers Due by 11:59 pm 8/30/17

1)   List 5 goals you wish to achieve and why? What are 5 obstacles to those goals?

2)   When are you most secure and at your best, both personally and professionally?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Answers Due by 11:59 pm 8/29/17

1)   What or who influenced you toward the direction of your major and why? 

2)   Who is your hero or heroine in life and why?

Monday, August 28, 2017


Post 5 responses out of 10 questions (75 - 100 words each response). Go to the assigned MGC T2K blog for your class each day of class including New Student Orientation Day (Monday – Friday). There will be two questions (or “prompts”) posted daily. On or before 11:59pm each night, pick one of the two questions to answer and submit your response by posting it in the comments section after the questions. Each response should be 75 – 100 words. Your language and the content of your response should be professionally appropriate for a blog that is viewed by your MGC peers and MGC faculty/staff. Each of your five blog responses must be posted no later than 11:59pm on each day in order to complete these assignments. You must sign in to Blogger with your e-mail so that your posts are attributed to you.


Answers Due by 11:59 pm 8/28/17

1)   What does #yolo mean to you?

2)   Besides education, what do you hope to gain from college?